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Monthly Community Briefing(s)

Residents are updated about the community and share information about what is going on in the neighborhood and other concerns.

Community News Bulletin

Residents are kept abreast of what is happening in the community and how it affects the community at large.

Training/ Planning

Board members have monthly meetings to plan and/or decide on various issues as related to the West Parkside community, training is also available for Board members.

Job bank

Has a job bank where residents can come and learn soft skills, resume writing, computer skills, e-mail creation, obtain assistance in filling out online applications and job placement assistance.

Youth programs

Over the years Parkside Association of Philadelphia has partnered with Millennium Baptist Church to provide a summer day camp at low cost for families who otherwise, because of costs associated to enrolling in summer camp, might not be able to attend summer camp.

Partners with Resources for Human Development to provide worksites for youth to work during the summer months.

Housing and related tasks

Parkside has a comprehensive referral system for housing issues, emergency housing, and counseling services.

Partners with The Other Carpenter to provide low to moderate income home owner’s basic home repairs for a nominal fee.

Continues to re-develop houses in the community to sell to qualified community residents.


Assists in identifying resources available (City services, etc.) to constituents and development and execution of related communication processes. Supports constituent’s efforts in identifying and obtaining employment and training opportunities. Provides duplication and faxing services for constituents.

©2017 Parkside Association Of Philadelphia

5218 Master Street
Philadelphia, PA 19131